Enclosed our December .22 rim fire match scores. Great shooting and some
close scores. Hope everyone enjoyed the day. Big Thanks to Doug and Wayne
who made everything work well. Hope everyone has a blessed Christmas season.
We look forward to seeing you all in January 2021 and another year of
shooting fun.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
5 December 2020
Match Rifle
Greg Culpepper 250-18 250-21 = 500-39x Winner
Danielle Rose 250-19 250-20 = 500-39x
Blake Gann 250-18 250-20 = 500-38x
Mark Shropshire 250-16 250-17 = 500-33x
Dale Avery 250-16 250-16 = 500-32x
Larry Barrow 250-19 250-13 = 500-32x
Ron Witmer 250-13 250-13 = 500-26x
Ethan Gann 250-1 249-14 = 499-31x
Vintage Rifle
Cameron Rose 250-12 250-18 = 500-30x Winner
Dale Hoover 250-14 250-11 = 500-25x
Steven Rothwell 250-15 250-9 = 500-24x
David Gusler 250-13 249-14 = 499-27x
Jim Rothwell 247-9 250-6 = 497-15x
Ephram Hodge 248-6 245-6 = 493-12x
Factory Rifle
Ethan Gann 248-9 250-13 = 498-21x Winner
Randy Daviss 248-8 244-5 = 492-13x
Dale Hoover 247-5 243-8 = 490-13x
Ephram Hodge 244-2 244-4 = 488-6x
Ernie Schuls 243-2 245-3 = 488-5x
Jim Rothwell 211-1 237-2 = 448-3x