We had a fine bench rest match Saturday. Maintained safety by shooting on
odd benches only. Good group of shooters competed in all three classes. Big
help from Doug and Wayne with targets, line work and drinks. Appreciate
everyone who supported our club events and look forward to seeing you all in
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
6 June 2020
Match Rifle
Mike Kuklis 250-18 250-20 = 500-38x Winner
Mark Shropshire 250-19 250-19 = 500-38x
Larry Barrow 250-17 250-17 = 500-34x
Danielle Rose 250-15 250-14 = 500-29x
Dale Avery 249-13 250-17 = 499-30x
Cameron Rose 249-12 250-14 = 499-26x
Doug Nance 248-9 249-8 = 497-17x
Vintage Rifle
Dale Hoover 250-17 250-12 = 500-29x Winner
David Gusler 250-7 250-8 = 500-15x
Steve Russell 249-9 249-12 = 498-21x
Cameron Rose 246-11 249-8 = 495-19x
Danielle Rose 245-6 246-11 = 491-17x
Factory Rifle
Ernie Schules 239-11 240-6 = 479-17x