Enclosed our March .22 rim fire bench rest scores. Congrats to Blake for
winning match rifle, David winning vintage and Terry winning factory class.
We had high and close scores. We appreciate everyone who supported Riverside
Gun Club and our events. Hope to see you all in April.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club Center Fire Bench Rest Match
6 March 2021
Match Rifle
Blake Gann 250-20 250-21 = 500-41x Winner
Dale Avery 250-19 250-21 = 500-40x
Greg Culpepper 250-21 250-19 = 500-40x
Johnny Mayo 250-22 250-18 = 500-40x
Mark Shropshire 250-18 250-19 = 500-37x
Mark Thomas 250-17 250-14 = 500-31x
Vintage Rifle
David Gusler 250-19 250-10 = 500-29x Winner
Cameron Rose 250-10 250-16 = 500-26x
Steve Russell 250-13 250-11 = 500-24x
Terry Ingold 250-14 249-11 = 499-25x
Doug Nance 249-8 250-15 = 499-23x
Dale Hoover 249-14 249-9 = 498-23x
Jim Rothwell 250-13 248-7 = 498-20x
Ernie Schuls 249-10 246-7 = 495-17x
Willard Persinger 244-6 244-4 = 488-10x
Factory Rifle
Terry Ingold 247-7 248-11 = 495-18x Winner
Dale Hoover 245-4 247-9 = 492-13x
Willard Persinger 246-5 246-7 = 492-12x
Randy Daviss 233-2 235-4 = 468-6x