With lots of rain on Friday possibly impacting the action shoot on Saturday all stages were planned without movement to prevent the possibility of slips and falls. The weather turned out to be excellent for a day at the range. Thanks to Billy for planning two stages and to everyone who participated with their assistance in resetting the range and acting as RO to keep the match moving. We had eight shooters, four in each level.
The results for Level 1 were: 1st- Emily Haynes (8 & 79.77 seconds for timed events); 2nd-Wayne Broome (8 & 120.11 seconds); 3rd – Dennis Jennings (10); 4th -Bob Beaver (13).
The results for Level 2 were: 1st- Billly Haynes (7); 2nd-Mitch Stirewalt (8); 3rd- Jeff Lewis (9); 4th-Jerry Lock (16).
We decided to have a 3-gun match on December 10, 2022. So it’s time to break out your shotgun and rifle to insure they are in peak condition and ready for the match. Remember, only #7 1/2 or #8 shot shells for your shotgun. Additional info will be sent prior to the match if any slugs will be required. As always plan 100 rounds for the pistol and rifle (closer info on shot count prior to the match).
See you in December and Happy Thanksgiving,