Here are our April .22 rim fire match scores. Great group, with close
scores. Congrats to Larry Barrow and Dale Hoover for earning top scores.
Appreciate everyone who supports our match and hope to see you all next
Thank you
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Match
3 April 2021
Match Rifle
Larry Barrow 250-23 250-19 = 500-42x Winner
Blake Gann 250-21 250-20 = 500-41x
Dale Avery 250-16 250-16 = 500-32x
Danielle Rose 250-19 250-13 = 500-32x
Greg Culpepper 250-13 250-12 = 500-25x
Ron Pardue 245-3 247-3 = 492-6x
Vintage Rifle
Dale Hoover 250-12 250-11 = 500-23x Winner
Jim Rothwell 250-8 249-8 = 499-16x
David Gusler 250-13 248-15 = 498-28x
Cameron Rose 249-12 248-13 = 497-25x
Steve Russell 249-9 247-8 = 496-17x
Ernie Schuls 249-9 246-3 = 495-12x
Factory Rifle
Dale Hoover 250-13 250-10 = 500-23x Winner
Ethan Gann 250-13 248-13 = 498-26x