Enclose our November scores. Big Thanks to everyone who helped and
participated in our club events. Hope to see you all next month, for the
December 2021 match.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
6 November 2021
Match Rifle
Ron Pardue 250-24 250-21 = 500-45x Winner
Blake Gann 250-19 250-21 = 500-40x
Danielle Rose 250-19 250-21 = 500-40x
Greg Culpepper 250-18 250-20 = 500-38x
Dale Avery 250-19 250-15 = 500-34x
Tony Johnson 250-18 250-15 = 500-33x
Steve Russell 250-13 246-10 = 499-23x
Vintage Rifle
Cameron Rose 250-17 250-9 = 500-26x Winner
Dale Hoover 249-11 250-9 = 499-20x
Ernie Schuls 247-8 250-12 = 497-20x
Dustin Smith 246-5 247-8 = 493-13x
Factory Rifle
Ethan Gann 249-9 250-14 = 499-23x
Randy Daviss 249-8 249-9 = 498-17x
Dustin Smith 249-6 247-4 = 496-10x
Dale Hoover 248-3 246-5 = 494-8x
Bill Houck 240-2 230-4 = 470-6x
Tim Trammell 231-3 236-1 = 467-4x