RGC .22 Rim Fire B/R Match (04-SEP-21)

Enclosed our September scores. Congrats to Dale Avery, Cameron Rose and Terry Ingold for having high scores in their classes. Big Thank you to Wayne and Doug who made everything work. We appreciate everyone for their support and hope to Read the rest

RGC 22 Bench Rest Match (07-AUG-21)

Another outstanding match at the Coop. Had a cool wet humid day for shooting. Great help from Wayne. Two relay groups of shooters. Congrats to Greg Culpepper and Terry Ingold for having high scores. Appreciate everyone who came to support … Read the rest

RCG Action Match Results (10-JUL-2021)

Good turnout with seven Level 1s and four Level 2 shooters. Thanks to some quick thinking on Jerry’s part we were able to come up with four stages featuring targets ranging from silhouettes and the revolving star down to the … Read the rest