After all the rain, we were all blessed to have a nice match day at the Coop Saturday. We had a good group of shooters arrive for a fun day shooting. Our Coop Gremlin was busy with some shooters, by getting almost everyone find a nine. We all had a great time, with mild temperature and no rain. Big THANKS to Wayne for running the line, and helping me run targets and clean up.
We appreciate everyone who joined us Saturday, and for their support of our club events.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
4 August 2018
Match Rifle
Blake Gann 250-18 250-16 250-17 250-16 = 1000-67x Winner
Danielle Rose 250-16 250-13 250-9 250-14 = 1000-52x
Dale Avery 249-12 250-16 250-15 250-19 = 999-62x
Lisa Gann 250-18 249-12 250-14 250-14 = 999-58x
Mike Kuklis 250-16 249-15 250-13 250-12 = 999-56x
Johnny Mayo 250-8 249-9 250-16 250-18 = 999-51x
Factory Rifle
Cameron Rose 243-3 249-11 249-7 250-12 = 991-33x Winner
Ernie Schuls 247-6 246-7 248-5 247-9 = 988-27x
Pete Smith 245-5 248-4 245-4 239-1 = 977-14x
DJ Bramblett 248-2 2392 232-3 247-3 = 966-10x
Thomas Arrington 241-3 237-4 237-2 242-2 = 957-11x
Ashton Bramblett 228-0 228-1 236-2 232-1 = 924-4x