Enclosed our April .22 rim fire match report. We had a cool, wet, windy, day but it was perfect for an indoor match at the Coop. Great attendance, with two junior shooters. Thank you to all who came and supported our club match. Hope everyone has a safe month and hope you come shoot with us again.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
7 April 2018
Match Rifle
Blake Gann 250-18 250-23 250-19 250-22 = 1000-82x Winner
Mike Kuklis 250-17 250-17 250-22 250-22 = 1000-78x
Mark Shropshire 250-21 250-23 250-17 250-13 = 1000-74x
Dale Avery 250-17 250-18 250-18 250-20 = 1000-73x
John Gatton 250-15 250-12 250-19 250-16 = 1000-62x
Larry Barrow 250-18 250-13 250-13 250-16 = 1000-62x
Lisa Gann 250-15 250-18 250-15 250-14 = 1000-62x
Johnny Mayo 250-13 250-13 250-19 250-15 = 1000-60x
Danny Galliher 250-17 250-9 250-7 249-15 = 999-48x
Factory Rifle
Pete Smith 246-7 248-10 247-6 249-4 = 990-27x Winner
Ernie Schuls 248-9 245-1 246-6 243-7 = 982-23x
DJ Bramblett 225-0 246-7 249-8 244-5 = 964-20x
Ashton Bramblett 234-2 233-2 241-2 242-6 = 950-12x