Enclosed our recent .22 rim fire match scores. Our October scores were close, with tie breaker for 1st place in match class. Congrats to Ron Pardue in match class, Dale Hoover in vintage class and Terry Ingold in the factory class. Great day, beautiful weather and outstanding help. Big Thank you to all. We appreciate everyone who supported our events.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
2 October 2021
Match Rifle
Ron Pardue 250-21 250-23 = 500-44x Winner
Greg Culpepper 250-22 250-22 = 500-44x
Dale Avery 250-19 250-24 = 500-43x
Blake Gann 250-20 250-21 = 500-41x
Danielle Rose 250-16 250-16 = 500-32x
Tony Johnson 250-19 249-17 = 499-36x
Vintage Rifle
Dale Hoover 250-20 250-13 = 500-33x Winner
Cameron Rose 250-15 250-13 = 500-28x
Terry Ingold 250-17 250-9 = 500-26x
Steven Rothwell 250-13 250-11 = 500-24x
Doug Nance 250-11 250-12 = 500-23x
Steve Russell 249-8 250-12 = 499-20x
Ernie Schuls 248-14 250-9 = 498-23x
Jim Rothwell 250-16 245-6 = 495-22x
Factory Rifle
Terry Ingold 249-6 249-8 = 498-14x Winner
Randy Daviss 249-12 246-6 = 495-18x
Bill Houck 245-6 246-6 = 491-12x
Dale Hoover 246-6 243-3 = 489-9x