Our Saturday match was lighter than normal, but still had about one full
relay. Perfect temperature, close scores and outstanding shooting. Wayne was
greatly appreciated for running the line and helping pull targets. Congrats
to Danielle Rose for winning match class and to Cameron Rose for winning
vintage class. Appreciate everyone for their support of our club. Hope to
see you in June.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
1 May 2021
Match Rifle
Danielle Rose 250-19 250-22 = 500-41x Winner
Dale Avery 250-15 250-16 = 500-31x
Ron Pardue 250-9 249-9 = 499-18x
Vintage Rifle
Cameron Rose 250-14 249-14 = 499-28x Winner
David Gusler 249-10 250-16 = 499-26x
Steve Russell 250-13 249-11 = 499-24x
Dale Hoover 250-13 249-5 = 499-18x
Jim Rothwell 248-9 248-6 = 496-15x
Ernie Schuls 248-10 250-12 = 498-22x
Factory Rifle
Randy Daviss 250-14 249-11 = 499-25x