Another warm day at the “Coop”, for our bench rest the match. Wayne had
brought plenty of cold drinks. Match went fast and smooth with two full
spaced relays. Big Thanks You to Doug and Wayne who made everything work.
Congrats to Larry Barrow who had the top Match class score of 500-42x ; with
Terry Ingold winning both Vintage and Factory class . Great shooting to all.
We had a great time and appreciate your support of RGC. Hope everyone stays
safe and look forward seeing you in September.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
1 August 2020
Match Rifle
Larry Barrow 250-23 250-19 = 500-42x Winner
Dale Avery 250-19 250-22 = 500-41x
Blake Gann 250-16 250-21 = 500-37x
Mike Kuklis 250-17 250-20 = 500-37x
Ethan Gann 250-18 250-18 = 500-36x
Mark Shropshire 250-18 250-16 = 500-34x
Factory Rifle
Terry Ingold 246-6 250-9 = 496-15x Winner
Ernie Schuls 244-5 241-3 = 485-8x
Vintage Rifle
Terry Ingold 250-9 250-11 = 500-20x Winner
Steve Russell 249-14 250-12 = 499-26x