Great Spring Day for our .22 rim fire match. Almost two full relays, with
all three match classes filled. Close tight scores, outstanding shooting
marksmanship. Riverside Gun Club appreciates everyone who came out to shoot
and support our club events. Hope everyone has a safe Easter and look
forward to seeing you all in May.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club .22 Rim Fire Bench Rest Match
6 April 2019
Match Rifle
Blake Gann 250-22 250-22 = 500-44x Winner
Larry Barrow 250-18 250-20 = 500-38x
Ethan Gann 250-18 250-19 = 500-37x
Mike Kuklis 250-21 250-16 = 500-37x
Dale Avery 250-15 250-17 = 500-32x
Cameron Rose 250-15 250-16 = 500-31x
Lisa Gann 250-12 250-18 = 500-30x
Danielle Rose 250-15 250-12 = 500-27x
Factory Rifle
Shawn Gann 250-10 250-8 = 500-18x Winner
Doug Nance 248-3 245-4 = 493-7x
Adam Love 245-2 247-4 = 492-6x
Vintage Rifle
Terry Ingold 250-17 249-14 = 499-31x Winner
Cameron Rose 250-12 248-14 = 498-26x
Dale Hoover 249-9 248-7 = 497-16x
Ernie Schuls 245-5 250-6 = 495-11x
Steve Russell 248-5 247-3 = 495-8x
Danielle Rose 249-8 244-6 = 493-14x