Below are our November center fire bench rest match scores. Congrats to Terry
Holladay; Walter Odell and Dale Avery who had tied scores. Big Thanks to
Doug Armstrong for running the line, keeping us all safe. One more match
remaining, it’s our December finale. We appreciate everyone who came out and
supported our club event.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club Center Fire Bench Rest Match
17 November 2018
6mm Match Rifle
Terry Holladay 100-10 100-10 100-9 100-9 100-10 = 500-48x Winner
Mike Kuklis 100-7 100-8 100-8 100-9 100-8 = 500-40x
Roman Diaz 100-6 100-3 100-8 100-7 100-5 = 500-29x
Izzy Diaz 100-7 100-5 99-3 100-3 100-5 = 499-23x
Glenn Strickland 100-6 100-5 99-1 100-5 100-5 = 499-22x
.30 Match Rifle
Walter Odell 100-9 100-10 100-10 100-10 100-10 = 500-49x Winner
Dale Avery 100-10 100-10 100-10 100-9 100-10 = 500-49x
Chip Graham 100-7 100-8 100-9 100-8 100-10 = 500-42x
Terry Holladay 100-8 100-7 100-9 100-6 100-10 = 500-40x
Thomas Arrington 100-7 100-6 100-10 100-10 100-7 = 500-40x
Kenny McRary 100-5 100-8 100-8 100-7 100-6 = 500-34x