RGC Center Fire Bench Rest Match (15-JUN-2024)

Our Coop matches are getting back on track again. Had our first match since the tree fell on our building. We had good turnout, with some close scores. Congrats to Dale Avery for shooting a perfect score in .30 class. In the last year many have tried, but Dale finally shot all 25 X dots and took home $100. Terry Leach was high score in both 6mm class and in agg. scores. We appreciate all our club members who helped get the Coop repaired and running again. Have a Happy Fourth and hope to see you all in July. – Bob

		Riverside Gun Club Center Fire Bench Rest Match
					15 June 2024

.30 Match Rifle 
Dale Avery		        50-5	100-10	100-10	250-25x Winner $100
Terry Leach		        50-4	100-8	100-9	250-21x
David Condor		50-4	100-8	100-7	250-19x
Chip Graham		50-3	100-8	100-7	250-18x
Thomas Arrington	50-4	100-6	100-5	250-15x
Jim Thomas		        48-0	100-3	100-9	248-12x

6mm Match Rifle
Terry Leach		        50-5	100-8	100-10	250-23x Winner
Walter Odell		        50-3	100-8	100-8	250-19x
Chip Graham		50-3	100-8	100-7	250-18x
Jim Thomas		        50-2	100-7	100-8	250-17x
Thomas Arrington	50-3	100-7	100-7	250-17x
Treece Barringer	        49-3	100-2	100-2	249-7x

High Agg. Score
Terry Leach		        500-44x Winner
Chip Graham		500-36x
Thomas Arrington	500-32x
Jim Thomas		        498-29x