We had another fun day at the Coop. Congrats to Chip Graham with high score .30 match rifle; Terry Leach with 6mm match rifle high score. High Agg. winner was Chip Graham. Big Thank you to Doug for running the line and pulling targets. Hope everyone has a safe month and look forward to seeing you all in May.
Thank you,
Bob Beaver
Riverside Gun Club Center Fire Bench Rest Match
20 April 2024
.30 Match Rifle
Chip Graham 50-4 100-8 100-9 = 250-21x Winner
David Condor 50-4 100-9 100-6 = 250-19x
Dale Avery 50-4 100-6 100-8 = 250-18x
Jim Thomas 50-4 99-4 100-6 = 249-14x
6mm Match Rifle
Terry Leach 50-4 100-10 100-10 = 250-24x Winner
Jim Thomas 50-5 100-6 100-10 = 250-21x
Chip Graham 50-4 100-8 100-9 = 250-21x
Thomas Arrington 50-5 100-8 100-7 = 250-20x
Treece Barringer 50-2 100-6 100-8 = 250-16x
Ken Kiger 50-4 100-7 100-4 = 250-15x
Walter Odell 50-3 100-4 100-6 = 250-13x
Agg Winner
Chip Graham 500-44x Winner
Jim Thomas 499-35x