RGC Action Pistol/Shotgun Match (08-JUN-2024)

        Light turnout but had a great time with those who made it. Thanks to Bob, Wayne and Doug along with many others who worked some long hot hours getting the coop back into a serviceable condition after a large tree came through the roof. Meanwhile, we had a fun time with the four stages of the match and here’s the final results:

Level 1..Alan Ritchie(7/273.78 secs), Dean Allen(7/293.78 secs.), Emily Haynes(10)
                Dennis Jennings(17)

Level 2..Mitch Stirewalt (5), Billy Haynes (8), Dick Williams (11), Jerry Lock (15)

        Really appreciated the sportsmanship and the desire to keep things running smoothly today..an excellent group of shooters.
        Next month, Saturday July 13th, will be a pistol/only day and this is always the best time to bring a new shooter to the games. Meanwhile, practice safely and looking forward to seeing you then.