Cold day but warm hearts and pistols. Thanks to all sixteen competitors for your help on running things today, especially John Kiwacka & Jerry Lock; John for coming up with three of our four stages and Jerry for extraordinary scoring expertise along with the much needed and appreciated help from fellow shooters who kept the targets scored, pasted and rotated in fine fashion. An outstanding day of teamwork.
Had three paper scenarios and one ringing steel event and still finished up pretty close to our allotted time even with so many shooters…including some newcomers to the games.
Today’s Winners are:
Level 1..Paul Connor(6), Charles Boolba(11), Brandon Caputo(14), Jacob Lewis(15)
Level 2..Jeff Lewis(7), Boyce Lomax(10), John Kiwacka(13), Dick Williams(16)
By popular vote next month, March 14th will be a Rifle/Pistol day at RGC…
Keep up with club news by going to
Questions or suggestions…e-mail Dick, John or Jerry or call me.
Dick Williams. 336-622-2963