RGC Action Match (13-JUL-2024)

A hot but dry day at the range with a good turnout of 14 competitors. We had a variety of scenarios with two stages put on by Billy Haynes and the final two by Jerry Lock. Had some really fine competition with several of the new shooters displaying above average shooting skills. Everyone pitched in and helped to set up and redo the targets as needed and kept things moving along nicely.

Today’s winners:
Level 1..Noah Lance(8), Jacob Lewis(13), Scout Nichols(14), Alan Ritchie(16)
Level 2..Billy Haynes(6), Mitch Stirewalt(8), Jeff Lewis(10), Dick Williams(18)

Next month 8/10/24 will also be a pistol/only match with four completely different stage scenarios. Hope to see all of you then!