Workday (31-OCT-2020)

Hey Shooters–

Message from Bob:

We are having a work day this Saturday.

Plan to start at 9:00 till mid afternoon. Folks are welcome to come for couple hours or stay the day.

Areas of concern : Indoor 100 yard Read the rest

RGC Center Fire B/R Match (19-SEP-2020)

Beautiful match, temperature as about same both inside and outside. Close
scores, with many ties. Congrats to Joe Allen and Terry Holladay for some
fine shooting.

Very Thankful to Doug and Wayne; without their help we could not have these… Read the rest

Matches Resuming

The regular matches will start back with the rimfire match on the first Saturday in June, that will be June 6 2020, followed by the Action shoot the next Saturday and as scheduled after that.

Thanks Wayne

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Passing of member.

To all members and friends of Riverside Gun Club:

Last Saturday we lost our friend Shawn Gann. Shawn was a great competitor, he was a professional motorcycle racer and a winner of many shooting matches. He often shot matches with … Read the rest

May RGC Match Updates

To all members and competitors of Riverside Gun Club, The range is still open to all members as usual. However, the matches are still on hold. Even though Governor Cooper has started to relax some of the restrictions on the … Read the rest